Monday, September 29, 2014


The children are waiting anxiously for our classroom butterflies to go through their life stages, from egg. to caterpillar or larva, then forming a chrysalis during the pupa stage and finally to the last stage where the chrysalis opens revealing a beautiful adult butterfly.  We are excited to see our caterpillars go through such an amazing transformation, click on the link below to see a video demonstrating a Monarch butterfly going through complete metamorphosis.

We wonder how long it will take for our caterpillars to go through complete metamorphosis?

The caterpillars have begun to change ...forming the letter "J" and a few have begun to form a chrysalis.

1 comment:

  1. I learned that Butterfly wings are made from small scales.
    I also learned that the male Praying Mantis likes to take piggy back rides on the female because they are smaller

