Wednesday, September 3, 2014

"First Day Jitters"

In honor of our first day of school we read a book called First Day Jitters by Julie Danneberg.  It's an engaging story about a "girl" who is reluctant to go to her new school because she doesn't know anyone. Throughout the story the children made predictions and connections from their own background knowledge.  Most students assumed the main character, Sarah Jane Hartwell was a second grader like themselves, but were surprised to learn she was actually the new teacher!  We discussed how everyone feels excited and may get the jitters, even Mrs. Madden! 

We also shared an important poem that each child read to a friend, and discussed the importance of our second grade promise.  I included a copy in their goody bags and it might be helpful to place it in a visible place as a reminder when doing their homework.  It will soon become our class motto, the message is that each of us will always try our very best!

Please be sure to help your child select 4-6 items that will fit into their brown paper bag that "tells" a bit about themselves.  It's amazing what we can learn about one another from objects that "talk" about our interests and family connections.  I shared my portfolio bag with the children today, please be sure to ask your child what they learned about Mrs. Madden.

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