Monday, June 6, 2016

Reading Buddies

The children earned a special reward in class after demonstrating GRIT to show their best work! This month we have emphasized the importance of  "TEAMWORK" by demonstrating Random Acts of Kindness to one another. It made sense to celebrate with one of our favorite activities, so we had a READ-IN.

Sharing books with our 1st Grade Reading Buddies in Ms. Sideri's Class was a blast.
The Whimpy Kid series has become a favorite in our classroom and Ciaran & Timmy take turns reading to Axel.

Charlie and Madelyn share a giggle while reading "The Fox in the Dark."
The children read for about forty-five minutes and were all so engaged in their books that you could hear a pin drop. They then shared their books with one another. Many students had signed up to give a "Book Talk" or Book Commercial and it wasn't long before children were trading books to read them on their own
Charlotte took the opportunity to share what she's learned about ocean animals with Rosalie.

Ben is proud to share his book with his Reading Buddy, Will.
 Our love for reading has become contagious and I couldn't be prouder of my students for taking risks in their reading by trying different genres and more challenging text.
Katie and Belle took turns reading to  Emma from Ms. Siders's class.
At the end of the day we invited our First Grade Buddies from Ms. Sideri's class and read a picture book to one another. We felt like leaders in our classroom and at the end the day we were surprised by our "Mystery Reader, Mr. Zamagni who read a book about Babe Ruth. All in all we had a wonderful day of reading fascinating books to ourselves, to our Reading Buddies and had several books read to us. If only we could spend every week with a scheduled Read-In??

Kristina was very proud to read to her brother, JJ in our classroom bathtub.

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