Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Super Tuesday

We start every day with The Pledge of Allegiance, but today was especially poignant given it was the start of a very special day in our classroom, Super Tuesday. All second graders were invited to join us and place their vote for the person who they felt would be the best candidate for the President of the United States.
"I pledge allegiance to the United States..."
We learned that in order to vote you have to be eighteen years old and registered in the town you live in, but today we wanted our voices heard and practiced strong citizenship skills by casting our own votes. We discussed the two major parties within our government, the Democratic and Republican parties and how one candidate from each party will compete in November, hoping to become the 45th President of the United States.
Every vote counts, and we are all smiles as we proudly cast our votes.

Kristina cast her vote in our "mock" class election.
Thank you families for supporting our classroom event by inviting your child to join you in the voting booth today or by watching the election results alongside your child.  We are excited to see if our classroom results match those of the Massachusetts voters.

Katie, Dante, Thomas and Nolan tally the results to determine the winner at Steward School.
Here are the results according to Steward School's 95 second graders:
Hillary Clinton 39 
Bernie Sanders 23
Ben Carson 2
Ted Cruz 4
John Kasich 2
Mario Rubio 16
Donald Trump 9

We'll have to see what the final results will be after the polls close tonight.
We used our mental math strategies to determine the votes for each of the seven candidates.

According to our results Hillary Clinton is the winner.

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