The children enjoyed several Halloween books today, as we had a few Mystery Readers appear at our door. Thanks to Daniel, a former student and Colin's mom and grandmother for their visits. I know you surprised us all and we loved all three books! Happy Halloween!
Thank you for reading The Monsterator and The ish Book. |
We L-O-V-E-D listening to Daniel read. |
We have been working hard to improve our reading comprehension skills through several reading strategies: using visualizations or "making a movie in your mind," and making connections to ourselves, another book we've read, or to our world.
"Making a movie in our minds" helps us to understand the setting, characters and events in our book so much better. |
Lincoln is working hard to add more details to his visualization. |
Natalie proudly shows her work! |
Here are a few questions the students developed for our first Skype. |
Colin has an opportunity to ask his question. |
Thank you Mrs. Klipfel for your wonderful expertise as the children enjoyed their first opportunity to Skype this year. We
connected with a group of first graders in Middleton and shared our
thinking with one another. We made predictions, asked questions and even
made some very strong inferences. WOW... our comprehension skills are
improving daily!
Standards Covered
RL. 2.1: Ask and answer questions as who, what, where, when, why, how to demonstrate understanding of key details in a text.
RL. 2.3: Describe how characters in a story respond to major events and challenges.
SL.2.2: Recount or describe key ideas or details from a text
read aloud or information presented orally or through other